As the word gets out, people keep asking us,“ What ever possessed you to develop the SudSpenser product?” A great question and here is the answer.
Back in 1990, Roger Kinnetz (who invented the Sudspenser and is the company President), had two pre-school children who generated a lot of dirty clothes. In that era, doing the wash was mostly relegated to the woman of the house. Times have certainly changed but the laundry problems remain.
Being a mechanically- minded person, Roger spent a lot of time in the basement workshop which was next to the washer and dryer so he began tossing in loads of clothes, grabbing the detergent bottle, filling the cap, and dumping it in the washer. Finally, his mechanical mind rebelled and he decided that there must be a better way to handle this drudgery. He then started experimenting with different methods to handle the gooey laundry detergent.
After several failures (some of which poured slimy detergent all over the basement floor) he finally devised a pump- timer-time delay and mounted all of the components in a wall-mounted enclosure. Of course, his creative juices were boiling so Roger wasn’t worried about the quickly rising price tag of $200 to create a system that would pump the detergent into the washer with a push of the button. People who saw it thought it was a great concept. The problem was that no one would ever pay $300 to get one like it. And, did we mention you would need to drill holes into the back of their washer?
But Roger’s wife was ecstatic. All she needed to do was toss in the clothes, push the button and walk away. Even Roger himself now enjoyed doing the wash. And the story continues for some 8 years until the pump finally gave out. The pump manufacturer had gone out of business and no replacement could be located at a reasonable price. Back to wrestling with the messy detergent bottle…again !
A few years later, Roger retired from his career in sales and marketing of compressed air systems. The impact the original laundry dispensing unit had made on his wife resurfaced and he found himself making a promise to her that he would develop another unit and take it to the marketplace. Her quest for laundry convenience would drive the establishment of Innovative Dispensing Solutions.
More and more designs surfaced and sunk. But finally, one stood the test and the current design emerged. It proved to be affordable and, after years of exhaustive testing, a patent was applied for. The SudSpenser you see today is a result of many years of testing and improving and that testing continues today.
Indeed, we now market today’s Sudspenser but Roger still experiments every day to try and improve it. This is why we believe the Sudspenser is an exceptional product – every one comes with our personal pledge of excellence to our clients. The obvious “green” benefits are actually secondary – we never even realized that, by making a unit to precisely measure detergent and avoid overfilling, we would help the planet ecology by keeping unneeded detergent from the lakes and streams. That has proven to be a huge benefit and we are proud to have made it happen.
So, the Sudspenser is a real hit and every time we ship one, it is like sending a piece of ourselves out to help people. That makes it all worthwhile.
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